
How to Install Prodikeys DM Value driver on Vista

Some of Vista Prodikeys User will find problem that the Software Driver coming with our Prodikeys Keyboard is not fully functioning like using it on Win XP machine. The software for playing midi instrument will not able to loading any of your own *.mid in learning mode.

Since creative have no Development Planned of making Vista driver for all these followed midi-keyboards announce source(http://ask.creative.com/wwenglish/vista/vista_driver_matrix_de.htm)

  • Prodikeys - PS/2
  • Prodikeys DM - PS/2
  • Prodikeys DM (Value) - PS/2

So installing normally from autorun like before will cause some malfuntion for the driver but it doesn't mean that you cannot use it on your vista machine.

Actually the old driver that came with the product can still working fine with the vista machine but all you have to do is just install the driver following these step (before doing these step please clean out old driver first)
  1. Go to Start >Computer> Properties>device manager>Keyboard>update driver software...
  2. Select search driver from Driver CD in folder Proddrvr>W2KXPDRV
  3. Restart your PC
  4. Go to Explorer to explore the Driver CD for Folder Setup and then double click Setup.exe
  5. Reboot again
  6. Finished Hoo rey!


pat said...

After i format my Pc on March 20, 2009 and do clean install Vista and i follow my instruction, it's not work anymore(not loading your own midi file)!?%* - -*

I'll try rewrite the new solution very soon.

Valentine said...

Do you have the creative prodikey DM installation cd? Tq